UHE (Ultra High Efficient) Data Center
12 Months PUE = 1.179 (*)
(*) PUE Measurement Levels (Green Grid)
- L3 Measurement Interval: Continuous
- L3 Total Facility Energy: Utility Inputs
- L1 IT Equipment Energy: UPS Outputs
12M PUE = 1,179 highly significant since:
- DC located in Italy, at 45°N Lat. (45.100°N – 8.863°E), where Dry Bulb Temperature is ≤ 27°C for max 7000 hours per year;
- 20 years max DBT = 38.9°C (ASHRAE Handbook);
- Extreme Max WBT = 27.9°C (ASHRAE Handbook)
- ASHRAE TC 9.9, Thermal and Contamination Guidelines compliancy
- Uptime Institute Tier IV compliancy with redundant systems/components
- Current IT load less than 20% of rated design IT load
- High accuracy in energy measurements (global accuracy class TA + Instruments = 0,3)
- Standard IT Equipments (no HW custom designed for energy saving purpose)
Performed Activities
MEP Design and Site Supervision, Thermodynamics and CFD simulations
Ferrera Erbognone (PV), Italy
5,200 m² rack room – 30 MW IT Load, 2,000 m² HPC RR (High Performance Computing Rack Room), 3,200 m² SC RR (Standard Computing Rack Room)
Marco Negri (R&D and Scientific Director), Reorder (Scientific and Technical Supervision), Pop Solid (Concept Design), Starching srl (Architectural Design and Site Supervision), Redesco srl (Structural Design and Site Supervision), ENI Servizi (Project Management)
Direct Free Cooling up to 8.00 kW/m2 for HPC RR Direct Free Cooling up to 6.00 kW/m2 for SC RR
2011 (design), 2014 (completed)
Photo Credits
Andrea Martiradonna - www.martiradonna.it